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Gymnastics on the aerial silks

Gymnastics on the aerial silks

Gymnastics on the aerial silks

Modern dance direction - dancing on aerial silks

There are many names for this direction: dance on aerial silks, gymnastics on aerial silks, aerial canvases, dances on circus canvases, aerial dances (Aerial dance), aerial silks (Aerial silks) and many more similar ones. A similar abundance of terms appeared because this direction contains various dance, gymnastic and acrobatic elements and refers to such a sports section as aerial gymnastics.

Dance on aerial silks is a set of elements, sometimes similar to those presented in dancing on a pylon. The difference lies in the fact that two long pieces of cloth fixed under the ceiling are used as a projectile. Unlike the pylon, the canvases are dynamic and require even greater skill and dexterity.

In our country, the development of this direction in dance studios began only a few years ago. Initially, such air acrobats could be seen only in the circus (hence another name), but today anyone can master this art.

Aerial silks dance in St. Petersburg is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. But do not forget that this type of fitness can be quite dangerous, so choose professional studios and trainers.

! ! ! Professionalism of trainers, Comfort and Safety - should be the main criteria when choosing a school! ! !

In the studio Pole Dance Style gymnastics on the silks is one of the priority areas. We have created all the conditions for training to give you only positive emotions.

  • 1 silk - 1 student - allows you to get the most out of the lesson;
  • No more than 7 people in a group - provides an individual approach to each student;
  • One of the strongest trainers in St. Petersburg;
  • Mandatory use of safety mats;
  • Professional equipment;
  • High ceilings (4 meters).

Aerial dance: initial training

In order to deal with this type of aerial gymnastics, no special training is required. There are a number of physical qualities that can greatly facilitate training, but you can develop them directly in the learning process:

  • Developed vestibular apparatus
  • Good gymnastic stretch
  • Developed muscles of the hands (they account for the main load)
  • Lack of fear of heights

The number and intensity of training will depend on your fitness level. First, stretching exercises and training of all muscle groups of the body will be given, then there is a gradual assimilation of fixation methods on the silks and tying of the main nodes. The first classes in this direction take place at a low altitude - only 1 meter. After learning various poses and methods of transitions between them, the number and complexity of which will gradually increase.

Presence of contraindications for practicing aerial gymnastics:

Anyone can sign up for gymnastics classes on silks. There are no restrictions on age, gender or level of physical fitness. Contraindications to training can only be:

  • Injuries
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Vascular disease (especially a tendency to high blood pressure and dizziness)

Useful information about dancing on circus silks

If you want to engage in this elegant and beautiful kind of dance, it is useful to know some things about it.


  • leggings or leggings
  • Turtleneck or gymnastic leotard with sleeves or jumpsuit
  • on feet - socks or ballet shoes

Additional terms.

During the training you need to completely remove the hair and take off all the jewelry (rings, earrings, chains, etc.).

We recommend visiting in addition:

  • Stretching
  • Paging (RPP)

What is the result?

Aerial acrobatics do not necessarily have as their goal public speaking or performing their own complex numbers. Classes Aerial silks can serve and simply to improve health and improve fitness. During training, all the muscles of the body will strengthen. Muscle stabilizers will be especially developed (they are responsible for body support, maintaining balance).

  • Such qualities as endurance, strength, flexibility, dexterity will develop. The reaction speed will be faster.
  • The ability to make quick decisions will be shown. Dance on the aerial silks necessarily require this, because it is not always that during the performance of the number everything will go as originally intended.
  • The ability to perfectly control your own body is formed.
  • In the end, your body will become more plastic and flexible, the figure is chiseled, the posture is correct, and the movements more graceful.

Dancing on aerial silks is a sophisticated and beautiful sport that does not leave spectators indifferent. If you want to keep yourself in great shape, ready to make an effort and admire the "soaring" dances, then such acrobatics is just for you.




  • avatar image15.05.2015Ксения
    Моя бесконечная благодарность тренеру и другу Ирине Савиной, за ее труд, терпение и веру. Ирина способна научить любого искусству воздушного танца, хотя бы своим личным примером. Талант! Что уж тут сказать.
    Пространство студии Pole dance style подходит как начинающим, так и опытным ученикам. Кроме содержательных занятий по полотнам, есть возможность развивать свою гибкость и пластику, динамику и координацию, силу и выносливость - все это есть в студии PDS, где мастера своего делают профессионалов из Вас.
  • avatar image20.07.2014Света
    Воздушные полотна - это захватывающе, грациозно, волшебно. Я хожу на занятия всегда на позитиве, всегда в приводнятом настроении. Безусловно, занятия на полотнах - это не просто. Нужно быть в форме, нужно быть растянутой. Но все это есть тут же, в Pole Dance Style. Я просто понимаю, чего мне не хватает и подтягиваю это. Все-таки очень круто, что у нас такая замечательная студия!
  • avatar image13.06.2014Елена
    Замечательное направление - воздушная гимнастика на полотнах. Меня прямо захватило. Ирина - отличный тренер. И не мне одной нравятся её уроки - все девочки, с которыми я занималась, так же думают. Правда некоторые говорят, что в Pole Dance Style потолки не такие высокие, как нужно. Но лично я не вижу в этом никакой проблемы - для всех моих трюков такой высоты хватает сполна и еще ни разу с этим не было проблем.

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