Pole Fitness (fitness on the pylon) is the direction of dance on the pylon, in which special attention is paid to the development of techniques for performing elements on the pylon:
- twist on a static pylon;
- power tricks on the pylon;
- elements for flexibility and balance;
- the specifics of working on a rotating pylon.
Pole Fitness is useful for the figure, as the maximum number of muscles tightens the frame of your body after 3-5 months of training. Pylon fitness will replace your fitness center and gym.
Clothing form for Pole Fitness classes: sports shorts, top or shirt (not a T-shirt, shoulders should be open). On your feet - dancing ballet shoes, you can practice in socks or barefoot.
In addition to Pole Fitness classes, we recommend attending:
- Stretching
- Acrobatics for practicing Pole Dance
- General physical training for practicing Pole Dance